Join us as we ...

Remember, Honor
And Celebrate

the lives of our
Loved Ones

This site is for those who earnestly desire to find ways to remember their loved ones and continue to include them in their lives, to honor their memories in a variety of creative and deeply personal ways and to celebrate, not only the lives they lived, but also who they were in this life. 



Jeremy James Ministries is dedicated to helping loved ones who want to remember, honor and memorialize their loved ones who are no longer with us, especially those who have lost a child.  We do so in a variety of creative, expressive and highly personal ways, from sharing ideas for keeping their names alive, to hosting and facilitating one of a kind special events.  We seek to honor our Lord Jesus Christ in all that do as we minister to those who grieve deeply, as well as, in the hope of saving others from the path we find ourselves on.


We, Mark and Cathy VanDyne, founded Jeremy James Ministries on February 4, 2019, in loving memory of our youngest son, Jeremy James VanDyne. At the young age of 25, our Jeremy died suddenly and tragically on August 13, 2017. Out of this devastating, and what could have been crippling, experience for us as individuals and also as a married couple was formed an abiding empathy and deep compassion for those who are experiencing grief, especially parents who have lost a child, as well as those who are lost and do not have the saving knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ.

Selfie of Mom, Dad and Jeremy James VanDyne
As time has passed since Jeremy’s death, we have searched our hearts for ways to remember him, to keep his name alive, and to honor his memory. During this time of examination, we have grasped the importance of doing this not only for ourselves but also for many others who have lost loved ones. We found that some of the ways we could have accomplished this are now “missed opportunities” because the depth of our grief prevented us from doing some simple things that would have captured memories and testimonies of family members, friends, teachers, and many others whose lives were impacted by Jeremy. We never imagined that we would be faced with burying one of our children. This just isn’t supposed to happen. But because it did, our desire is to offer resources, present ideas, and help to plan and facilitate events as opportunities arise. As we have been encouraged by many others, we want to come alongside those of you who have lost a loved one or know someone who is without the love of Christ in their lives.

Our logo has a great deal of meaning to us and we are amazed how it all came together.  To start with, it consists of two upside down letter “J’s” in the shape of a heart.  The one on the left is colored purple with a black outline and the on the right is colored a dark blue with a black outline.  These are the first two of Jeremy Jame’s initials.

Where the tops of the letter “J’s” intersect the form of a cross, which represents our Christian faith, is evident.  And so, we thought we had completed our design.  The logo was complete.  We thought that we had achieved our purpose.

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Photo of Sunrise over blue sea

Remember Me

Although the format can vary, this is typically a gathering similar to a mini-conference.  However, with the added feature of a “Fair or Exhibit Hall” consisting of stations (tables or booths) where individuals can find resources and participate in actual activities focused on remembering their loved ones and honoring their memories, it becomes something special.

The focus of this event is on actually “doing” as opposed to simply sharing ideas.  For instance, one  type of station is where guests can “Make a Collage” representing their loved one by clipping content from magazines and gluing or taping them to a poster board.  All of the materials are supplied.  The poster boards can then be taken home or put on display as in a church or hall.

Another might be a Resource table staffed by someone who knows “Computers and the  Internet” and can advise guests what can be done to memorial their loved ones.  Note: We found that many memories of our son Jeremy were lost, scattered across multiple Facebook pages, rather than captured and consolidated for safe-keeping.

Other types of stations might include the “Written Word” (Writing a story or a Poem), “Music and Songs“, “Video Presentations” and “Verbal Discussions or Presentations“.

This event is intended to provide a safe environment where those who are grieving do not feel judgement that they are not “over it”.

Typical Location: Local churches.  Approximate Length: 2 to 4 hours.

Remember My Child

These events are the same as the “REMEMBER ME” events except that participants are parents who have experienced the loss of a child, regardless of the age of the child when they died and the planned content and activities (“Stations”) may be more focused based on the unique needs of this particular group.

Typical Location: Local churches.  Approximate Length: 2 to 4 hours.

Photo of Christian Dove

Praying for Prodigals

A Worship and Prayer Service focused specifically on praying fervently and by name for our prodigals; those who have yet to come home, as well as, ministering to family and friends, especially the parents of Prodigals.

Although the format can vary, this event typically includes some form of music and singing, a dedicated time of prayer and a message of hope.

Typical Location: Local churches or a gathering place such as a hall or classroom.  Approximate Length: 1 to 2 hours.

Smaller, less formal events of this type can be held in someone’s house with music provided by a guitar, piano or other instruments.

Based on our availability we offer our help in planning and/or hosting an event or our direct involvement in an event that you hosting (Note: This might include music/singing by Cathy or planning, materials and speaking by Mark)

Based on our availability we offer our help in planning and/or hosting an event or our direct involvement in an event that you hosting (Note: This might include music/singing by Cathy or planning, materials and speaking by Mark)

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Below are some different ways of remembering our loved ones, honoring their memories and celebrating the lives they lived.

They will forever be a part of who we are and how we live our lives.

They will not be forgotten or simply referred to as a loss, but rather someone who deeply impacted our very existence. 

Here are just a few ways we can keep our loved ones memories alive … 

Photo of memorial decal applied to the rear window of the family car

A custom decal personalized and purchased by his parents and displayed on the rear window of each of their vehicles.

Photo of 5 memorial balloons left at parent's doorstep

5 heart-shaped balloons were left on the parents doorstep the day after their son died and to this day they do not know who left them there.  So, each year on the anniversary of his death they buy 5 heart-shaped balloons and place them on their doorstep.

Photo of memorial glass votive candle with etched inscription

A custom crystal glass votive holder received by his father from another father who lost one of his sons.  Note: These boys used to play together when they were younger.

Photo of memorial pillow crafted from karate belts belonging to son who died

A custom memorial pillow commissioned by his parents and made from his karate belts (Note: The initial “J” is his own handwriting).

Photo of memorial brick

A memorial brick laid at the Circle of Flags outside a local VFW hall by his grandfather.

Photo of guitar belonging to son who died

One of his treasured possessions.  His Mom is taking lessons and has learned to play her son’s guitar, keeping his music alive.  Note: She has even played it in church despite the fact that it has a marijuana leaf decal on it.

Photo of hand-painted stone found by his Dad

A painted stone found by his father at a local park as part of a “Kindness Rocks Project” just one month after his death (photos above and below).

Photo of Kindness Rocks Project at Bird Park

Kindness Rock Project set up at a local park where the “Hope” rock was found.

Photo of hand-painted memorial stone

A hand-painted Memorial Rock prepared by his parents and placed in an area significant to their family.

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